Thursday, July 15

How to have healthy hair...

Shampoo/Conditioner- the starting point for whether you have a good or a bad hair day- that is if you actually wash your hair every day. The biggest tip I can give when it comes to keeping your hair healthy/shiny/free of split ends- DO NOT WASH YOUR HAIR DAILY. Grease (to an extent) is good. The natural oils are GOOD for your hair. I wash my hair 3-4 a week. In between washes, the key is dry shampoo. Tresemme just came out with a great one for under $5- just shake, spray, wait a minute, and brush. Instant refresher. Another (obvious) tip is to wear your hair up. I love wearing my hair up because I hate when my hair gets in my face. My hair MUST be comfortable or I will fidget with it all day. Practice makes perfect and that is the only way you will learn how to do your hair. A little hair spray on an updo always helps. Back to washing- when you DO shampoo/conditioner, they key isn’t exactly to find one amazing shampoo and stick with it for life. In my shower, I have over 5 pairs of shampoo/conditioners that I alternate each time I wash my hair. This keeps your hair from getting dull and flat- which is what happens when you use the same shampoo every day. Try it and tell me how it works for you!

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