Monday, August 23


Got this email from my bestie Megan. We both have to be EXTRA careful with our skin due to our high risk in developing Melanoma.

Be careful about your products on your blog with RETINOL or RETINA in them. I went to my mom’s melanoma doctor with her and they told us that even though it has not been mainstreamed and removed from products on the shelves yet RETINOL actual draws the UV rays to your skin and can not only completely counteract the sunscreen that you think you are getting in that product but actual put you at a higher risk for activating cancer cells. Any sunscreen or skin product that has anti wrinkle in it usually has retinol in it CHECK THE LABEL so only use it if you aren’t going out in the sun and if you have sunscreen like that FLUSH IT AND RECYCLE THE BOTTLE (bc the earth doesn’t need to suffer for your mistakes)

FYI- I checked and nothing I have blogged about contains Retinol or Retina.

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