Thursday, June 23

Clean and Clear?

I am one of those people who craves zip popping (gross, yes but I know there are others). I am VERY lucky to have clear skin most of the time except for the occasionally massive mountain that grows on my chin and takes over my ability to smile correctly. Well people- I’ve got one in the works right now. It’s painful; 50% because it literally hurts and 50% because I want to squeeeeeeze it soooo bad. It’s been 2 days now and I have successfully not even touched it except by accident when in deep thought. I usually over dry these suckers and then get a nasty scab that looks worse than the actual zit. This time around I’ve been applying Clean and Clear Acne Spot Treatment
and then slightly smoothing some moisturizer on top after the gel has absorbed into skin. The swelling has definitely gone down so far and you really can’t even see the zit! It still is under the skin though…I’ll report back with my results in a few days. My goals- no popping and no over-drying.

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