Wednesday, January 19

Wedding Wednesday- RSVP etiquette 101

The one thing I dreaded while wedding planning was everything to do with the guest list. But the worst part was the lack of responsibility in people RSVPing. So I figured I would pull out my inner Emily Post and spread the word on what is polite. It's beyond being polite though- it's being respectful to the host.

RSVP is French for répondez s’il vous plaît as in "please respond." So if an invitation says RSVP- you should call if you ARE or ARE NOT going.

Regrets only- obviously call if you are not going. If you do not call- your head will be "counted" and if catering is involved, you will be paid for and money will go to waste if you do not show.

That is all. Happy hump day bloggers.

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