Monday, November 21

How to hide dark circles.

I have been doing some SERIOUS research on eye creams. What I’ve learned is that there is a difference between dark circles under the eyes, puffiness under the eyes, and under eye bags. All annoying- but different apparently.

First- we must face the facts ladies (and gentlemen), under eye issues are just as hereditary as your eye color.

Next- identify your issue [mine is puffiness: this post is dedicated to the dark circles (bags and puffiness coming later- after I DEFEAT them)].

Finally- start the battle:

Decrease them:
The best product I’ve found (and has HUNDREDS of great reviews) is Olay Regenerist Eye Lifting Serum. Pricey for a drug store product (around $18). But it is worthy. This tiny bottle provides hydration as well as working on making your dark circles disappear. It has small light reflecting particles which help disguise the darkness under your eyes. With time it shows results. It also helps prevent wrinkles from forming; as well as filling in the ones you have so they don’t look as dramatic. Unfortunately- I have not found it beneficial in curing puffiness. I apply at night and in morning on the outer corners of my eyes and right below lower eye lid. Goes on smoothly and works well under makeup. (some reviewers use around lip area to prevent wrinkles there as well).

Hide them:
A YELLOW TINTED concealer should be your best friend. The color will blend in after applying foundation or powder. DON’T MAKE YOURSELF into a raccoon though. Use an applicator brush (ELF has great ones, all for $1) to blend out from your eye. I prefer Physician’s Formula brand.

Helpful hints:
SPF under your eyes (use it on your entire face for reals though)- the sun will make them worse.
Allergies are the cause of dark circles in many cases- so get on your meds.
Iron deficiency/anemia can cause the darkness- take some supplements.
Dehydration- I’m telling you, 8 glasses a day will change your world.
Sodium intake- too much could make them worse. Chill out on the salt.
Vitamin K and C topical creams have been proven to help with blood circulation in the eye area (which is essentially what that darkness is- bruising under the skin)

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree with you on the dehydration thing!! In wake of my newly formed kidney stone (grr) I have taken up drinking more and more water! I have noticed such a change in the way my skin looks, its amazing!! GO H20!! haha
