Thursday, July 14

Take a tour of my dream home.

You may find this odd (unless you’ve known me for years) but this is my dream home; an elaborate tree house. Swiss Family Robinson style. I’m not really sure what all you could do with the interior of a little place like this but here are some to DIE for rooms I’d like inside my ideal tree house- or any house really. I’ve been apartment living for 6 years now and have 3 more to go (or whenever my hubby’s got his doctorate). So I’m allowed to fantasize…

I have been surrounded by such talented women in my family whom have actually made a career of interior decorating (check out their online shop). I grew visiting their homes which were always designed to be classic, cozy, and clean; so I am naturally drawn to this style. I have also developed a taste for throwing in some modern pieces with antique finds. I love the way the straight angles of modern furniture and the rusticness of antiques juxstapose (favorite word ever) eachother. Everytime Nicholas and I drive by a beautiful old home I feel this yearning to have my own. I’ve managed to make my 2 bedroom apartment feel as much like a house as possible. But when I get my real one- I may die of happiness.

Yay for Thursday lovelies!

Location:Fantasy land

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